The House of Jacob tells intentional love stories for soulful couples. 

but you can call me JJ.

I'm Jacob,

I want to use my name to celebrate all that is good and beautiful in life: connection, love, devotion, family. And that’s why I make love story films. 

i create heirloom films so you can relive your

The name Jacob has been handed down in my family since 1520. For over 500 years, the name Jacob has traveled – across continents and over oceans, through times of poverty and times of plenty. It’s been worn by men of all kinds. And now the name Jacob is mine.


Favorite moments.

I’ve always had big dreams. I was blessed enough to grow up with parents who told me I could be whatever I wanted to be. My parents were limitless about my future, and their sense of wonder and possibility rubbed off on me. 
My first real love was hockey. I had an amazing coach in school whose life has been a source of inspiration for me. Things got rocky when I was a teenager, and it was during this period of difficulty that I found Jesus. 

I learned so much; how to weave a narrative, capture raw emotion, and tell stories beyond the frames. 

I first got into videography when I was in college in LA. My love for visual storytelling grew from there, but my baptism by fire really came when I became the church’s creative director during the pandemic.

Faith is central to my life. It’s led me to study entrepreneurship, theology, ministry, and film making. It also led me to Bethany – my kindred spirit and the love of my life. I’d known her on and off for years, but God had big, beautiful plans for us.

The fleeting sense of time has helped me inject more passion into my videos and approach each as a piece of legacy storytelling

We’re also parents to our amazing little daughter. Becoming a dad has made time such a real concept to me. I see how fast she’s growing up, and it’s making me savor every precious moment. . 

I set up House of Jacob in 2021. Already I’ve worked with so many soulful and genuine couples - it’s the honor of my life to capture love stories like yours.  


love story films, crafted to stand the test of time.

Make history.

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